Navigation software for mac
Navigation software for mac

navigation software for mac
  1. Navigation software for mac for mac#
  2. Navigation software for mac serial#

GPSPhotoLinker can be used to save location and GPS position data to a photo. It allows data transfer and real-time logging for Garmin, Magellan, and Lowrance units. GPSMan makes for easy and flexible manipulation of GPS data. GPS for Google Earth Linux is tool that helps you display your current position on Google Earth with the help of a GPS receiver. GpsDrive displays your position provided from your GPS receiver on a zoomable map.

navigation software for mac

GpsDrive is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system.

GPS Connect – waypoint transfer for serial based Garmin GPS receivers and Mac OS-X. GPSBabel manipulates and transfers waypoints, tracks, and routes between receivers and/or popular mapping programs. GpsActionReplay (GpsAR) is free GPS software for Mac that enables replays and performance analysis from GPS data, incuding “real time” animation with several tracks, auto-focusing, a time-based controller, auto speed calculation, and auto data send. GPicSync automatically inserts location in your photos metadata so they can also be used with any ‘geocode aware’ application like Picasa/Google Earth, Flickr,, etc. Secondly the application can process network links pointing to the internet only, not references to locally stored files. Polygons and other objects are not supported. GetKML only processes placemarks (turning them into waypoints) and paths (tracks).

navigation software for mac

Gosmore is a routing and viewer of OSM XML data such as the planet.osm. Garmin WebUpdater detects and installs the most recent version of operating software for your compatible Garmin GPS Garmin Communicator Plugin is a browser plugin that sends and retrieves data from Garmin GPS devices.

BikeXperience – training planning and unit administration.īT747 MTK Logger Control is a multi-platform (Linux/windows/OSX) java solution that allows the control and data-retrieval from several GPS loggers.ĬycleAtlas is for managing track rides, mainly intented for cycling and other open air sports.įlightTrack is free GPS software for Mac that can be used to download tracks and waypoints from a GPS and display them in 3D.

Navigation software for mac